Many users think that finding track location is very hard and must have proper skills and a High-end pc with software, etc. But, in 2023, with advanced technology can find out form smart devices, every Android and iOS user can use this app for good purposes, like knowing your kid or student, location. Another technology is called GPS equipment, to use that you should bear that cost, if you follow this page you will get good method. to know, how to do using mobile, read this app till the end, if you still do not understand, watch our video.
Also, try the best captions & subtitles creating an app
Track Location Using Phone Number || Android Free App
Highly advanced technology is available in the present ( Best AI technology apps ) era, so you can do many works simply using all technology resources, as well you can increase your knowledge and care for your children.
Many parents worry about their children in some cases, to be free and know their status, not only for students, this method works for everyone, but you have to follow proper steps, if you confuse you can not step successfully, let me give step by step process.
The most important thing is don’t install it on your mobile, install it on the track person’s mobile and enable these steps. If you think they will find and uninstall them use the hidden app, that’s all.
Now we will see the process, once you install successfully, give permissions.
- Next, you see, WhatsApp triggers the interface screen, at the left bottom,
- click on create button, and enter any word, this word is the key to track a person’s location, so remember or note down.
- Set up completed.
Now test this app using the WhatsApp messager app, send the word (which you noted down) as a message, that’s all. You get love location. Download the app.
Very simple method, even a new user can set up this process easily, a few seconds are enough for this total setup. You can find out easily using this method, no need to spend money to buy tools, easy method. If you feel it’s worth to share with your friends or family members, like and share. Thank you, friends.